Harstad weather

 Latitude N 68° 48' 01"    Longitude E 16° 32' 07"    Elevation 0 ft

Dawn: ----- Sunrise: ----- Moonrise: 14:54 Moon
Dusk: ----- Sunset:  ----- Moonset: 01:01
Daylight: 24:00 Day length: 24:00 Moon Phase: Waxing Gibbous

Welcome to Oeverlia.

The weather station in use is the Fine Offset, and these pages are updated every 10 minutes. The meteorological day used at this station ends at midnight.

Forecast: Unsettled, precipitation later

Utsikt fra Oeverlia nordover mot Harstad sentrum

Conditions at local time 22:50 on 29 juni 2020
Temperature and Humidity
Temperature 9,0 °C Dew Point 5,4 °C
Windchill 8,0 °C Humidity 78%
Heat Index 9,0 °C Apparent Temperature 6,6 °C
Rainfall Today 0,0 mm Rainfall Rate 0,0 mm/hr
Rainfall This Month 597,9 mm Rainfall This Year 1272,0 mm
Rainfall Last Hour 0,0 mm Last rainfall 2020-06-27 08:17
Wind Speed (gust) 3,1 m/s Wind Speed (avg) 2,0 m/s
Wind Bearing 314° NW Beaufort F2 Light breeze
Barometer  1013,3 mb Falling very rapidly -6,1 mb/hr
:now::gauges::today::yesterday::this month::this year::records::monthly records::trends:

Page updated 29.06.2020 22:50:00
powered by Cumulus v1.9.4 (1099)